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▼2021 Canvas works
" I'm on your side " (A cat and the moon/ねこと月) acrylic,canvas/194×97㎝(M120号)/2021
『 大好きな三日月だ、さぁ駆けろ! 』 (A cat and the moon/猫と月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/116.7×91cm(F50号)/2021
『 太陽チャージ中の黒ウサギ 』 (A rabbit and the sun/ウサギと太陽) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/91×72.7cm(F30号)/2021
『 さぁ 魅力だけ 』 (A rabbit/うさぎ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 最高に出会うための一人遊び 』 (A cat/ネコ) acrylic,canvas/91×72.7cm(F30号)/2021
『 赤い雲に乗って 』 (A fox and cloud/キツネと雲) acrylic,canvas/112×145.5㎝(F80号)/2021
『 じぶんの一番に出会えた 』 (A cat and flower/ネコと花) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×91㎝(F30号)/2021
『 無限にあふれ出る 』
『 超越していて無敵 』 (A fox/キツネ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/100×80.3cm(F40号)/2021
『 たった1の力 』 (A fox/キツネ) acrylic,oilpastel, colored pencil, canvas/72.7×91㎝(F30号)/2021
『 春に生まれた 』 (A cat/ネコ) acrylic,oilpastel,coloered pencil,canvas/45.5×53.0cm(F10)/2021
『 太陽までも味方につけた 』 (A dancing cat and the sun/踊っている猫と太陽) acrylic,canvas/100×80.3cm(F40号)/2021
『 どこへでも飛んでゆける 』 (A bird and the moon/鳥と月) acrylic,oilpastel, colored pencil,canvas/45.5×38.0(F8号)/2021
『 嘘はつかないよ 』 (A cat and flower/猫と花) acrylic,canvas/45.5×38.0(F8号)/2021
『 確実を手放さない 』 (A bear and flower/クマと花) acrylic,canvas/91×72.7cm(F30号)/2021
『 まだ見ぬ力よ、出でよ 』 (A kitty and the moon/子猫と月) acrylic,canvas/65.2×53cm(F15号)/2021
『 確かに感じた 』 (A rabbit and the moon/うさぎと月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41.0×31.8(F6号)/2021
『 全う 』 (A wolf/オオカミ) acrylic,canvas/41×31.8cm(F6号)/2021
『 ありのままここに 』 (A Panda/パンダ) acrylic,oilpastel, colored pencil,canvas/45.5×38.0(F8号)/2021
『 燃える夕暮れ 』 (A donkey and butterflies/ロバとちょうちょ) acrylic,oilpastel, colored pencil,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 抜群に飛んでいけ 』 (An archery rabbit/アーチェリーウサギ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 わたしの無限 』 (A pink cat with big ears and the pink moon/ピンクでか耳ネコとピンク月) acrylic,canvas/91×72.7cm(F30号)/2021
『 今日も続く生命力 』 (A cat and the sun/猫と太陽) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 瞬間エネルギー 』 (A koala/コアラ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 無敵飛行を始める 』 (A cat riding on the moon/月に乗っている猫) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6cm(F20)/2021
『 いいこと知ってる 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,canvas/91×72.7cm(F30号)/2021
『 小さな手で掴む 』 (A baby cat/猫の赤ちゃん) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 底知れぬ 』 (A wolf the moon/オオカミと月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41.0×31.8(F6号)/2021
『 ここに居るよ 』 (A baby bear/コグマ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6㎝(F20号)/2021
『 やぁ ここだよ 』 (A cat and butterfly/ネコとちょうちょ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6㎝(F20号)/2021
『 強い明かりを信じて 』 (A cat and the moon/ネコと月) acrylic,canvas/41×31.8cm(F6号)/2021
『 存在という奇跡 』 (A baby bear/クマの赤ちゃん) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41.0×31.8(F6号)/2021
『 湧き出す 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,canvas/91×72.7cm(F30号)/2021
『 わたしが見つけた花 』 (A cat/ネコ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38cm(F8号)/2021
『 ずっと命あるがままに 』 (A face of wolf and the moon/オオカミの顔と月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 今だけの特別 』 (A kitty and the moon/子猫と月) acrylic,canvas/45.5×53cm(F10号)/2021
『 純真だけここに 』 (A rabbit and the moon/うさぎと月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41.0×31.8(F6号)/2021
『 素敵の瞬間 』 (A rabbit, flower, and the moon/うさぎと花と月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41.0×31.8(F6号)/2021
『 奇跡を巻き起こす 』 (A rabbit/うさぎ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6㎝(F20号)/2021
『 立ち向かう彼女 』 (A girl with long hair and a red ribbon/長い髪に赤いリボンを付けた女の子) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 確信 』 (A face of wolf/オオカミの顔) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 唯一無二の出逢い 』 (A cat,flower,and the moon/猫と花と月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53.0×45.5㎝(F10号)/2021
『 叶う方へ 』 (A cat going forward with the green moon back/黄緑の月を背に 前進する猫) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil, canvas/53×45.5cm(F10号)/2021
『 わたしから放たれるものに希望をこめて 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,canvas/45.5×53cm(F10号)/2021
『 進める 』 (A cat/ネコ) acrylic,canvas/45.5×38cm(F8号)/2021
『 光側に向いている 』 (A sitting rabbit/座ってるうさぎ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×53cm(F10号)/2021
『 キセキ絶対 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,canvas/33.3×33.3cm(S4号)/2021
『 飛べる 』 (A moth/蛾) acrylic,canvas/45.5×38cm(F8号)/2021
『 わたしの喜びの時間 』 (A rabbit playing in the water and the black moon/水遊びをしているウサギと黒い月) acrylic,canvas/40.7×32cm(F6)/2021
『 自分の身を自分で守るネコの女の子 』 (A cat/ネコ) acrylic,canvas/60.6×72.7cm(F20号)/2021
『 今日も生きる 』 (A bear/クマ) acrylic,canvas/41×31.8cm(F6号)/2021
『 光、生成中 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,canvas/45.5×38cm(F8号)/2021
『 わたしだけ見えるをすくいあげた 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41×31.8cm(F6号)/2021
『 ここちよいを守っている 』 (A rabbit/ウサギ) acrylic,canvas/41×31.8cm(F6号)/2021
『 超えられる 』 (A giraffe/キリン) acrylic,canvas/45.5×53cm(F10号)/2021
『 変わらぬ願い 』 (A fox and the moon/キツネと月) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38.0(F8号)/2021
『 じっくり良きを溜める 』 (A bird and the hazy moon/鳥とおぼろ月) acrylic,canvas/41×31.8cm(F6号)/2021
▼2021 Paper works
『照らせる限りに』 (A cat and the moon/ネコと月) acrylic, paper/36.3×25.8cm/2021
『十分に溜めた』 (A dog/犬) acrylic, oil pastel, colored pencil, paper/27.1×37.9cm/2021
『わたしが見ている世界よかがやけ』 (A girl with blue hair/青髪の女の子) acrylic, oil pastel, colored pencil, paper/36.3×25.8cm/2021
『弓を放て』 (A baby bear with a bow/赤ちゃんクマと弓矢) acrylic, oil pastel, colored pencil, paper/27.1×37.9cm/2021
『今日、見つけた花』 (A fox having a flower/花を持っているキツネ) acrylic, oil pastel, colored pencil, paper/27.1×37.9cm/2021
『これから』 (A face of deer/シカの顔) acrylic, oilpastel, colored pencil, paper/39.5×27.3cm/2021
『明るい』 (A cat with the light and the moon/光を持った猫と月) acrylic, oil pastel, colored pencil, paper/27.1×37.9cm/2021
『この木もあの月も大好き』 (A rabbit leaning on a tree/木に寄り掛かるウサギ) acrylic, colored pencil, paper/39.5×27.3cm/2021
『未来に向かう』 (A rabbit and the moon/うさぎと月) acrylic, oil pastel, colored pencil, paper/27.1×37.9cm/2021
『敵を寄せ付けないネコ』 acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencils,paper/29.7×21.0㎝/2021
『花のお姫さま』 acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencils,paper/29.7×21.0㎝/2021
▼2020 Canvas works
" Also today I can jump " (ネコ/cat) Acrylic, oilpastel, colored pencil, canvas/65.2×53.0cm(F15)/2020
" I've not forgotten still now ” (ネコ/cat) Acrylic, oilpastel,canvas/72.7×91cm(F30号)/2020
" Absolutely I'll never be broken " (ネコ/cat) Acrylic, canvas/80.3×100cm(F40)/2020 .
" Having what was made from me ” (ネコ/cat) Acrylic, oilpastel,colored pencils, canvas/100×80.3cm(F40号)/2020
“I can talk with the crescent moon” (クマ/bear) /acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×53.0㎝(F10号)/2020
" Leave it to me " (ウサギ/rabbit) Acrylic, oilpastel, canvas/80.3×100cm(F40)/2020
" Charm just here " (ウサギ/rabbit) Acrylic, canvas/100×80.3cm(F40号)/2020
“All of me now” (ラマ/llama) /acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/65.2×53.0㎝(F15号) /2020年
" I decide who I am ” (くま或いはうさぎ或いはねこ或いは何かの赤ちゃん/A baby of bear or rabbit or cat or... ) Acrylic, oilpastel,canvas/72.7×91cm(F30号)/2020 .
" Clothing eyes, and I'm invincible " (鳥/bird) Acrylic, oilpastel, coloredpencil, canvas/72.7×91cm(F30)/2020
" A bear trembling with anger " (クマ/bear) Acrylic, canvas/72.7×91cm(F30)/2020
" I protect my color ” (少女/girl) Acrylic, oilpastel, canvas/72.7×91.0cm(F30号)/2020
" Beating with a flower ” (コアラ/Koala) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6cm(F20)/2020
" I protect my own preciousness " (うさぎ/Rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53×41㎝(P10)/2020
" The miracle of being born " (クマの赤ちゃん/A baby bear) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/65.2×53.0cm(F15)/2020
" Making the flame be on my side " (ねこ/Cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53×45.5㎝(F10)/2020
" Never decayed sensitivity " (牛/Cow) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/53×45.5㎝(F10)/2020
" Not to put out this light " (ウサギ/Rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38㎝(F8)/2020
" I could encounter a flower even in the dark " (ねこ/Cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41×31.8㎝(F6)/2020
" Gashing out from me one after another ” (うさぎ/Rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41×31.8㎝(F6)/2020
" Without hesitation " (ねこ/Cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38㎝(F8)/2020
" If I only have this, I'll be invincible " (うさぎ/Rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,panel41×31.8㎝(F6)/2020
" I'll have preciousness I've collected " (うさぎ/Rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,coloered pencil,canvas/65.2×53.0cm(F15)/2020
" Came across in the passions " (ねこ/Cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6cm(F20)/2020
" The best thing is in my hand " (ねこ/Cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/72.7×60.6cm(F20)/2020
" Being innocent in the unknown world " (くま/Bear) acrylic,oilpastel,coloered pencil,canvas/65.2×53.0cm(F15)/2020
" Hauling in the brilliantness " (ねこ/Cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38㎝(F8)/2020
" I'm super angry " (くまの女の子/A bear girl) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41×31.8㎝(F6)/2020
" Fighting with bare hands " (犬/Dog) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/41×31.8㎝(F6)/2020
" Though I don't have scissors " (カニ/crab) Acrylic, oilpastel, coloredpencil, canvas/72.7×91.0cm(F30)/2020
" I see one over there " (牛/cow) Acrylic, oilpastel,canvas/72.7×91cm(F30号)/2020
“I'm seeing the lights only for me" (ネコ/cat) /acrylic,oilpastel,coloredpencil,canvas .
" My desire " (リス/squirrel) Acrylic, oilpastel,colored pencils, canvas/72.7×91cm(F30号)/2020
i saw it on my own” (ネコ/cat) /acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/65.2×53㎝(F15号)/2020
“My own exquisite balance” (うさぎ/rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/ 45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“Keeping” (クマ/bear) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“The absolute power of life” (キツネ/fox) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×53.0㎝/2020
“Absolutely I'll make it come true” (ユニコーン/unicorn) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“Catching in me tight” (ネコ/cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“My own Beautiful” (犬/dog) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“Never missing also the back” (キツネ/fox) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“I won't lose” (シカ/deer) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“I can shine by myself” (鳥/bird) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“I'll find” (牛/cow) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“Always my various things” (ねこ/cat) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“I'll touch it someday absolutely” (ねこ/cat) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“I'll row a boat alone also today” (ねこ/cat) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“Before I throw with full power” (コアラ/koala) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“Being myself” (クマ/bear) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“I've lived here” (白くま/white bear) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“YOU and I” (ねこ/cat) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/33.3×33.3㎝/2020
“Thoughts of my days” (うさぎ/rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“be shocked” (パンダ/panda) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“warm eternally” (キリン/giraffe) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas/45.5×33.3㎝/2020
“I'll protect here” (クマ/bear) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/33.3×45.5㎝/ 2020
“To give you” (コアラ/koara) acrylic,oilpastel,canvas /33.3×33.3㎝/2020
“Having a passionate dream” (牛/cow) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/45.5×38.8㎝/2020
“Saw an amazing thing” (ネコ/cat) crylic,oilpastel,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“Always my energy” (子豚/piglet) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
“Because I've had this wings” (鳥/bird) acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,canvas/31.8×41.0㎝/2020
▼2020 Paper works
“Anger” (ウサギ/rabbit) acrylic, oilpastel, colored pencil,paper/39.5×54.6㎝/2020
“I feel as I am“” (犬の女の子/dog girl) acrylic, colored pencil,paper/37.9×53.9㎝/2020
“I'll go in my desire” (ぶた/pig) acrylic, colored pencil,paper/37.9×53.8㎝/2020
“An archery panda” (パンダ/panda) acrylic, oilpastel, colored pencil,paper/37.9×53.9㎝/2020 No frame
“A cat never giving up” acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/39.5×54.6㎝/2020
“A girl doing stretch exercise” acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/39.5×54.6㎝/2020
“Following my heart” (オオカミ/wolf) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/27.4×39.6㎝/2020
“A strong plan” (オオカミ/wolf) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/27.4×39.6㎝/2020
“I raise the curtain of climax” (ねこ/cat) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/39.4×27.2㎝/2020
“I've saved here” (ウサギ/rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/27×37.9㎝/2020
▼2019 Canvas works
▼2019 Paper works
A bear-rabbit attacking enemies 54×37.8cm/acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,paper/2019
Dancing with a white skirt (うさぎ/Rabbit) 54×37.8cm/acrylic,colorpencil,paper/2019
A Koala hanging and looking for a landing point 54×37.8cm/acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,paper/2019
A balance bear acrylic, oilpastel,paper/36.3×25.8cm/2019
Shaking, but not melting (くま/Bear) 36.3×25.8cm/acrylic,pencil,paper/2019
A dog girl having her will acrylic, oilpastel, coloredpencils, paper/36.3×25.8cm/2019
“Holding out strongly” (クマ/bear) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/25.8×36.3㎝/2019
“My strength” (犬/dog) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/25.8×36.3㎝/2019
“Sitting strongly” (クマ/bear) acrylic,colored pencil,paper/25.8×36.3㎝/2019
“Looking for anytime” (ウサギ/rabbit) acrylic,oilpastel,colored pencil,paper/25.8×36.3㎝/2019
(犬 / Dog) 51.5×36.5cm/Acrylic,pencil,colorpencil,paper/2019
I know me (うさぎ / Rabbit) 42×29.7cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,pencil,colorpencil,paper/2019
I'm heading there now (ねこ / Cat) 39.4×54.7cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil,paper/2019
Energy of eruption (ねこ / Cat) 21×28.3㎝/Acrylic,pencil,paper /2018
What can't disappear (やぎ / Goat) 21×28.3cm/Acrylic,pencil,paper/2018
The enthusiasm of a baby-cat ballerina (ねこ / Cat) 42×29.7cm/Acrylic,colorpencil,paper /2019
The light I see in the night (くま / Bear) 21×29.7cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,pencil,paper/2018
Crescent moon romance (おおかみ / Wolf) 24.8×33.6㎝/acrylic,papaer/2018
Encounter of a puppy and a butterfly (犬 / Dog) 21×28.3cm/acrylic,paper/2018
Quiet wink (犬 / Dog) 21×28.3㎝/Acrylic,oilpastel,pencil,colorpencil,paper /2018
I accept (ねこ / Cat) 21×28.3cm/acrylic,paper/2018
Flexibility (うさぎ / Rabbit) 21×28.3cm/acrylic,paper/2018
When it comes true (くま / Bear) 21×28.3cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,pencil,paper/2018
The will won't be changed (いのしし / Wild boar) 24.8×33.6cm/acrylic,paper/2018
She won't lose what kind of winds (子豚の女の子 / A girl piglet) 21×28.3cm/acrylic,paper/2018
I see you forever (きつね / Fox) 21×29.7cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,pencil,paper/2018
(くま / Bear) 21×29.7cm/Acrylic,pencil,colorpencil,paper /2018
Dive from the ass (くま / Bear) 21×28.3cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,pencil,colorpencil,paper/2018
It must be here (くま / Bear) 21×29.7cm/acrylic,paper/2018
Can look for also in the dark (くま / Bear) 42×29.7cm/Acrylic,oilpastel,paper /2019
▼2018 Canvas works
The sheep girl steers a sled 45.5×53㎝/Acrylic/2018
The state of being immortal (raccoon) 80.3×65.2cm/Acrylic,oilpastel/2018
I am not against my flowing (walrus) 80.3×65.2cm/Acrylic/2018
Strong contours (dog or fox) 45.5×53㎝/Acrylic/2018
The rabbit with electric current (rabbit) 45.5×38cm/Acrylic/2018㎝/Acrylic,oilpastel/2018
capturing my heart (cow & butterfly) 72.7×60.6㎝/Acrylic,oil/2018
When my heart was burning (bear) 45.5×53㎝/Acrylic/2018
The person who swallowed little red riding hood is me (wolf) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic,oil,oilpastel/2018
Being with onesty (dog) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic/2018
My dance with full power (fox) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic/2018
Time for decision (reindeer) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic,oil,oilpastel/2018
I can always scent out (wild boar) 53×65.2㎝/Acrylic/2018
I can fly so far (bird) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic/2018
Pushing my way with floating (cow) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic/2018
The power of another existence (deers) 45.5×53㎝/Acrylic/2018
I will scratch and break such a thing for you (dog) 45.5×53㎝/Acrylic,oil/2018
Conviction with fixity (sea lion) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil/2018
wating for the time (fox) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic,oilpastel,colorpencil/2018
The preasure is waiting there (bird) 45.5×38㎝/Acrylic,oilpastel/2018
Cheers for flying penguin with full power (penguin&rabbit&fennec) 116.7×91㎝/Acrylic,oil,oilpastel/2018
I will never miss the light (fox) 116.7×91Acrylic,oil,oilpastel/2018
Self-composed (giraffe) 94.0×72.7/Acrylic on canvas/2018
It can feel all in it's heart. (spider) 41×31.8/acrylic on canvas/2018
The rabbit who loves water without fear (rabbit) 53×45.5/acrylic on canvas/2018
The head of a dragon meets a special flower (dragon) 53×45.5/acrylic on canvas/2018
Ambiguous koala (koala) 41×31.8/acrylic on panel/2018
Sheep flower who winks (sheep) 53×45.5/Acrylic on panel/2018
The flower who has been warm for a long time 38×45.5/acrylic on canvas/2018
With a support on my back (fox & rabbit) 41×31.8/acrylic on canvas/2018
▼2018 Paper works
Not to be known enybody (cat) 53×45.5/2017 だれにも知られないように、夜、忍び足で、進んでいく生き物。それでも、暗闇の中での存在感は強い。この子の持つエネルギーの影あるいは光。
The rabbit diving into the water and taking a closer look (rabbit) 31.8×41.0/2017 水中にもぐった、ウサギの顔。赤い目を見開いて、よーく見ている。
I give the souce of energy for you (cow) 24.3×33.3/2017 エネルギー源であるピンクのミルクを出している牛。
The mind that can't be buried under days. (bull) 31.8×41.0/2017 こちらに睨みをきかせる牛の顔。その瞳は、日々のあれこれに埋もれてなくならない、強い意思を発している。
Anytime is OK (cat) 72.7×91/2017 わたしはいつでも準備ができてる。その証拠にほら、猫なのに羽が生えたの。 Anytime I already preparing.So,I am a cat but have wings.
Running with my own engine (dog) 45.5×38/2017 長い首、長い髪の毛をもつ個性的な犬のような生き物。じぶんの体のエンジンを燃やし、力いっぱい駆けていく。
Energy of walking (dog) 38×45.5/2017 じぶんが持ってるエネルギーをぐーっと出して、前に進む犬。ただ歩くにも、パワーが必要だ。近くにいた小さな犬が、その強さを目の当たりにしてびっくりしている。 The dog is going forward by pulling out energy of him.We need power even if we are going to walk.The small dog near the big dog was surprised by seeing the strong power.
Breathing the important things (girl) 72.7×91/2017 赤い髪、黒いスカートの女の子。赤い腕を思い切り広げて、思い切り吸い込む。目の前にあるたいせつなものだけを。 The girl with red hair and black skirt.She opens her red arms and breathes only important thing in a her presence.
Even if many things pour on , I live. (rabbit) 31.8×41.0/2017 水色の顔、赤い体、紫とピンクの耳をもつウサギ。白くふりそそぐは、日々のいろんなこと。しかし確かな力で体を支え、強い眼力でこちらを凝視し、立派に生きていることをアピールしている。
started as a crow 22×27.3/2017 カラスの赤ちゃん。カラスとして始まった命。
Never fear (bird) 31.8×41.0/2017 緑の世界に大きな青い羽根を広げて、堂々としている鳥。なにもおそれない。
The baby of bird 18x14/2017
Hope is running in the body (raccoon) 45.5×38/2017 狸のような生き物が、目を輝かせて浮いている。希望が彼の体の中をかけめぐり、ものすごい力となって放出している。
Keeping to exist (deer) 53×45.5/2017 どんなことが起きても、どんな日常を送っていても、残り続けるシカのような顔。ここに残る存在。在り続ける存在。
I will not stop my own swimming (fish) 53×45.5/2017 ピンクの体をくいっっと折り返し泳ぎを決める魚。わたしならではの泳ぎを絶対にやめない。
Koala giving hope me unconditionally (koala) 22.7x15.8/2017 目から光を放射し、無条件に希望をくれるコアラ。
My feelings (cat) 31.8×41.0/2017 個性的な猫の顔。右側は目を瞑り、左側ははじけ飛んでるように見える。ことばにならない数々のおもいを秘めてめいっぱいに存在している。
Fighting days with feeling and thinking (gorilla) 53×45.5/2017 ゴリラのような生き物が、背中を丸めて下を見ている。じぶんの心で感じ、頭で考え、日々じぶんなりに懸命に闘って生きている。
Special wink (octopus) 33.3×22/2017 ウインクしているタコ。よく見ると、体もいろいろ秘めていて、目から出た涙は渦をまいている。特別なウインクに違いない。
Existence for being strong (bulls) 38×45.5/2017 左の牛が右の牛をにらんでみている。右の牛は何も気にしていない様子だが、左の牛にとっては魂を燃やすほどだ。ときにこのようにライバル視する存在は、自信を強くするために必要なのではないか。ライバルもわるくない。
I have love for give any more (cow) 45.5×38/2017 乳をたくさんもっている牛がこっちを見ている。この子には、与えられなくとも与える愛が有り余っている。
The horse and the batterfly (horse) 31.8×41.0/2017 馬と、馬の鼻に止まったちょうちょ。馬は小さなちょうちょにびっくりしている。2人はどうコミュニケーションをとるのだろう。
The bird who met wheels and started walking afresh (bird) 116.7×72.7/2017 長いゴールドの首を持ち、羽根を両サイドに広げているエネルギッシュな鳥。足が、車輪になった。鳥の足で生きてきたが、車輪になった。“車輪になってしまった”のではなく“車輪を手に入れた”その鳥は、今までと違う生活を歩み始めた。
Girl's power (snake) 53×45.5/2017 黄色い顔を持つ蛇がエネルギーを発しながら進んでいる。頭にリボンをつけ、しっぽに花を咲かせ、彼女の持つ女としての魅力を存分に放つ。
Holy her (bird) 53×41/2017 大きな白い翼を広げて舞う鳥の女性。シルバーの眉毛は横に伸び、なにかを感知するに違いない。彼女が現れるときは空が赤く染まる。聖なる空気に変わる。
Shout out your greed (bear) 31.8×41.0/2017 大きな口をおもいきり開けて、じぶんの欲を叫んでいるクマの顔。
A rabbit seeing only real (rabbit) 53×45.5/2017 青い左目、赤い右目、上に伸びるは特別な耳。彼女は本物しか見ない。すべて見破るウサギ。
I will take you to the secret place (cat) 24.2×41/2017 そっと出てきた、不思議な赤い猫。秘密の場所を知っているらしい。ついていこうか。
You are known by me (gold fish) 53×45.5/2017 わたしはランチュウです。そこのあなた、あなたはひとりじゃないですよ。大丈夫。わたしが、あなたのこと、よーく知ってます。 Hi,I am a Ranchu.Excuse me? You are not along.You are OK.I know about you very well.
A baby Kangaroo in mother's pouch 60.6x50/2017 小さな眼を見開きこっちを見ているのは赤ちゃんカンガルー。両手両足が赤い膜で上につながり、重みのある体をぶら下げている。ここは母親の胎内か、それとも腹の外の袋の中か。どちらにせよ、母親の絶対的な愛情によってこの世に存在し始めた。 The baby kangaroo opens her eyes wide and looks at you.Her hands and legs connect to upside with red membrane, and she hangs her hevy body.Is here mother's womb or mother's pouch? In either case,she starts her life in this world with mother's absolute love.
The heart from childhood (flog) 35×27.3/2017 口をむぎゅっと結んだカエル。カエルは子供のころ、まったく別の形であった。名前も違い、オタマジャクシと呼ばれていた。でも心はずっとひとつのままだ。子供のころの思いはずっと持ち続けている。 The flog is clamping his lips.When he was children he was completely different from now.His name was also different and called tadpole.But he has kept his only one heart.He has kept his feeling from childfood.
Wating for a long time (dog) 24.2×66.6/2017 ご主人様の帰りを待つ犬の顔。左は黒い耳とウルウルした目。右は水色の耳と光輝く目。においをかぎ続ける黒い鼻。ずっと信じて待ち続ける犬。 This is a face of the dog waiting his owner.There are black ear and eye welling up with tears on the left side.There are light-blue ear and shining eye on the right side.And, he has black nose keeping to smell.He is a dog waiting his owner with believe.
quietly and carefully (crab) 41×63.6/2017 鋭利なハサミを持つカニ。このハサミで敵を攻撃できる。しかし今、繊細なお花を掴もうと、優しさをもってそっと慎重に挑戦中。 The crab has sharp scissors. He can attack the enemy with them.But now,he is trying to pinch delicate flower quietly and carefully with his kindness.
I will get it (crab) 24.2×66.6/2017 どうも、カニです。わたしの特技は、捕まえること。集中して、全力で、本能で、経験で、捕まえてみせます! Hi,I'm a crab.My speciality is getting something.I will show you that I can get something by concentrating ,with full power,instinct and experience!
No matter what will happen (shark) 72.7×91/2017 何があっても突き進む、意志の固いサメのような生き物。 The creature looks like a shark who has strong will power and heads straight no matter what happens
Playing a role (cow) 53×45.5/2017 わたしの体からは栄養たっぷりのミルクが出るのよ。大きなおっぱいをこちらに向けて、自分以外の生き物にミルクを分け与える役割を果たそうとしている牛。 My body can take nutrient-rich milk out.The cow turns her body and trys to give her milk to the other creatures.
The hope of the flower of tenacity 53×45.5/2017 執念を持ってやっと咲いた花は、咲いたことで、彼女にしか得られない希望を手に入れた! The flower who has bloomed with tenacity got hope for only her.
The cow giving her milk for someone by herself. (cow) 38×45.5/2017 コップを乗せたお盆を両手で持ち運んでいるのは、ミルクを提供する牛。自分で出したミルクを自分でコップに入れ、人々に与えようとしている。 She is a cow bringing a glass of milk with tray.She is tring to give her milk to people after she fills a glass with her milk by herself.
The frog sitting cross-legged can make everyone's wishes come true. (flog) 72.7×91/2017 大きな手から指を飛び散らせるようにして、あぐらをかいて座っている、半透明のカエル。目をキラキラさせてすべてを見抜き、あなたの願いを叶えてくれる。 This is a opaque frog who sits cross-legged and have big hands with scattering fingers energetically.He or she can see through all things and fulfill a your wish
A cheetah living with enviroment (cheetah) 53×41/2017 産まれた地で生きるのは彼女の運命だ。広い草原とじぶんの存在を溶けあわせ、その地で最後まで生き抜くチーター。 It is destiny for her to live in the place her was born.She is a cheetah who can mix prairie and her existence,and lives out her life
A spider moving with love (spider) 53×45.5/2017 蜘蛛だって立派な命だ。立派な1回の生命だ。たった1回の生命のあいだ、出せる限りの愛情を持って生きることを全うしている。 The spider has also good life. He has good only once life.During his once life,he saves his life with love as much as he can take out
My head always has you. (dog) 45.5×45.5/2017 青い顔、白い耳のネズミのような生き物。彼の右耳は横を向いた犬の顔になっていて、彼の左耳は犬のしっぽになっている。そして彼のヒゲは、犬の手足になっている。ネズミくんの頭の中にはいつもこの子の存在がある。 The creature looks like a mouse who has a blue face and white ears.His right ear is a face of the dog looking at side,and his left ear is a tale.And,his whiskers are legs of the dog.This mouse always has this dog's existense in the head.
The koala who is good at playing by hisself (koala) 112×145.5/2017 コアラがひとりであそんでる。コアラはひとりであそべる。おいしいものみつけたかな? Koala is playing by himself.Koala can play by himself.Did he find delisious things?
Guided by good scent (hedgehog or wolf or lion) 72.7×91/2017 ただよってくる美しいにおいに誘われて自然と歩んでいくハリネズミのようないきもの She is a creature looks like a hedgehog going naturally by good scent.
The red-eye elephant appeard from water 112×145.5(F80号) 水の中から、大きなからだをエネルギーいっぱいに持ち上げて鳴いている、赤目のゾウ The red-eye elephant appeared with big body from water by using his own energy.
Deep-sea fish who wants to be a bride 1.5×2.2m
Conversation between a flower and a rabbit 3.2m×1.5m
What will I send? 145×112㎝
ライブペイントパフォーマンス 「産まれて生まれていく」 Live Painting Performance “Being born and living”
“She is looking for wonderful meal” (unicorn and other animals) 116×72㎝/2016
A rabbit-whale who is swimming in endless dream (rabbit) . 65×53㎝/2016
"Rise high up" (fish) 33✕24cm/acrylic/2016
"My power is not such a thing still more" (pig) 41✕31cm/acrylic/2016
“Maybe it's in that direction” (bird) 18×14㎝/2016
“She becomes passionate without crowing” (bird) 27×22㎝/2016
“Clear walking” (reindeer) 45×38㎝/2016 右を向き、胸を張り、目をきらめかせ、前に進もうとしている、 体が透き通ったトナカイのような生き物。
“Delight” (bird) 33×24㎝/2016
“To exit” (flower) 18×14㎝/2016
“It's more heartful than you think about it” 27×22㎝/2016
“Forever of pure breath” (gold fish) 27×22㎝/2016
“I also have heart” (bird) 33×24㎝/2016
“Straight” (bird) 41×31㎝/2016
“I made my own dress” 33×24㎝/2016
“I am I” (beaver) 45×38㎝/2016
“Immeasurable things” (wolf) 33×24㎝/2016
“I will go to special shopping” (bird) 27×22㎝/2016
“I won't give up” (bird) 33×24㎝/2016
“Increasing power” -looks like a rabbit posing fighting pose 31×41cm/mixedmedia/2016 (ファイティングポーズのようなかたちでパワーをぐんぐんみなぎらせているウサギです)
Don't fuck with me -looks like a koala 33×24cm/mixedmedia/2016 (木の上の方の枝に全身もたれかかってサボってるように見えるコアラが、サボってねーよなめんな、といってる絵です) People think he is goofing off on the job, but he says Don't fuck with me.
A girl who became a forest sprite 22×27cm/mixedmedia/2016
You make bloom and shine light -looks like a rabbit 53×45cm/mixedmedia/2016 左側の目からは花が咲き、右側の目からは光線が伸び前を照らす。 咲くことも、照らすことも、ひとつの命ができると、おしえてくれているウサギ。 .
It's just between us -looks like cats 33×24cm/mixedmedia/2016 (日が暮れるころ右の猫が左の猫にひみつをおしえています)
Deep prayer -looks like a Koala or Bear 38×45cm/mixedmedia/2016 (目を閉じてふかく祈っているコアラかクマです)
〝Let's make your hair regent style〟 -looks like a ROCK'N'ROLLER 38×45cm/mixedmedia/2016 If you make your hair like this, you will forget something you don't feel good. (一番上の黒いところがリーゼント。その下のピンクあたりがバンダナ。円が集まってるところが目。ロックンローラーが、おとなしい子や、落ち込んでる子に、キミもリーゼントにしたらたのしくなっちゃって嫌なこと忘れるかもよって言っている絵です。)
“Extensive forest that protect you” 31×41㎝/mixedmedia/2016 (ゴールドの片目を持った大木が樹海のまんなかにそびえ立ち、 まもってくれるようすです)
“ All things she can give out ” ―looks like a rabbit 53×45㎝ / mixedmedia / 2016
“I protect you” ―looks like a father dog 33×24㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“ My wish will be fulfilled very soon ” ―looks like a dog 33×24㎝ / mixedmedia / 2016
“わたしはいつだって雑草になりたい” 「夜もつよくいきて」 I always want to be a weed. It lives strong also night 18×14㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“ I won't leave this ” ―looks like a girl 91×72.7㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“ All day today” ―looks like a elephant 53×45.5㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“luxury sleeping” ―looks like a girl 33.3×24.2㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“わたしはいつだって雑草になりたい” 「 かがやき、全うする 」 I always want to be a weed. It shines and lives with it's might. 18×14㎝ / mixedmedia / 2016
“ Let's play together ” ―looks like a dog 41×31.8㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016.3
“ I protect you ” ―looks like a father of dog 33.3×24.2㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“ I'll never lose ” ―looks like a sheep 53×45.5㎝ / mixedmedia / 2016
“ When the girl becomes alluring ” ―looks like an apprentice geisha 41×31.8㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“I'm not sad” ―looks like a girl 53×45.5㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“ For truth ” ―looks like a cat 53×45.5㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016
“ Eyes that see hope ” ―looks like a cat 33.3×24.2㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016.3
“ She found a friend ” ―looks like a creature between rabbit and koala 33.3×24.2㎝ / mixedmedia / 2016.3
”Thinking in the daytime” ―looks like the rabbit looking down 33.3×24.2cm/mixedmedia / 2016.3
“ The life has EYE ” . cloth,acrylic,pencil,yarn,woolen yarn,ribbon,wire,plastic board,poly-bag,pin /about 2×3m/2016 . Left … A big EYE like sun is shining brightly and shedding tears. Right … A girl with her wide EYEs is shedding tears and living now with all her might. . I think the tear is a symbol of living that has big energy. All lives have limitless possibilities. That's not my imagination but reality that I'm able to believe and see. I want to paint pure energy of life. What does today’s
“ The life has EYE ” . cloth,acrylic,pencil,yarn,woolen yarn,ribbon,wire,plastic board,poly-bag,pin /about 2×3m/2016 . Left … A big EYE like sun is shining brightly and shedding tears. Right … A girl with her wide EYEs is shedding tears and living now with all her might. . I think the tear is a symbol of living that has big energy. All lives have limitless possibilities. That's not my imagination but reality that I'm able to believe and see. I want to paint pure energy of life. What does today’s
“ The life has EYE ” . cloth,acrylic,pencil,yarn,woolen yarn,ribbon,wire,plastic board,poly-bag,pin /about 2×3m/2016 . Left … A big EYE like sun is shining brightly and shedding tears. Right … A girl with her wide EYEs is shedding tears and living now with all her might. . I think the tear is a symbol of living that has big energy. All lives have limitless possibilities. That's not my imagination but reality that I'm able to believe and see. I want to paint pure energy of life. What does today’s
“ The life has EYE ” . cloth,acrylic,pencil,yarn,woolen yarn,ribbon,wire,plastic board,poly-bag,pin /about 2×3m/2016 . Left … A big EYE like sun is shining brightly and shedding tears. Right … A girl with her wide EYEs is shedding tears and living now with all her might. . I think the tear is a symbol of living that has big energy. All lives have limitless possibilities. That's not my imagination but reality that I'm able to believe and see. I want to paint pure energy of life. What does today’s
“ The life has EYE ” . cloth,acrylic,pencil,yarn,woolen yarn,ribbon,wire,plastic board,poly-bag,pin /about 2×3m/2016 . Left … A big EYE like sun is shining brightly and shedding tears. Right … A girl with her wide EYEs is shedding tears and living now with all her might. . I think the tear is a symbol of living that has big energy. All lives have limitless possibilities. That's not my imagination but reality that I'm able to believe and see. I want to paint pure energy of life. What does today’s
“Motive power and coolness” ―looks like a rabbit 53×45.5㎝/ mixedmedia / 2016.3
What I have hoped at that time F6(410×318㎜)
You will expend cloud of hope to the unknown -looks like a koala F10(530×455㎜)
I am going to play sounds from here -looks like a bear F10(530×455㎜)
It exists beyond there F12(606×500㎜)
A woman M50(727×1167㎜)
A girl M50(727×1167㎜)
Watching over quietly 布・アクリル・鉛筆 97×141cm
パネルにケント紙・アクリル・木炭・鉛筆・色鉛筆 91×116.7cm
紙・アクリル・鉛筆・色鉛筆 29.4×21cm
No matter how much someone looks for,it already exists 帆布・アクリル・木炭 97×149cm
Shouting 帆布・アクリル・木炭・色鉛筆 96×207cm×2
紙・アクリル・鉛筆 29.4×24cm
紙・アクリル・鉛筆・色鉛筆 79×54.6cm
紙・アクリル・鉛筆・色鉛筆 54.6×39.4cm
Grass has grown from my head (rabbit) on paper
Playing by jumping (koala) on paper
Take this! A cat punch! (cat) on paper
I hug myself (bird) on paper
Absolute hope (cow) on paper
(cow) on paper
The energy being kept inside (bear) on paper
I have wings (dog) on paper
Never lose all the way (flower) on paper
The flower which won't detray on paper
I became a big sister (deer) on paper
Seeing only the interest (rabbit) on paper
The giraffe's girl who are waiting to see moon on paper
The flower which is waiting for the light meeting in the near future on paper
A timber which has still lived in winter on paper
Quiet and sure passion
Snow fish gets into the night sea on paper
Baby bear man on paper
Perceiving (cat) on paper
Tomboy ribbon wild boar o paper
Tear for today (cat) on paper